Pulisic Releasing a Book in October

With the World Cup just 5 months away, Christian Pulisic has slotted in an extra venture. He’s penned his own book, slated for arrival in just 4 months. A quick search on Amazon will yield several books on the US star, but this will be the first with him as the author.

Pre-order “Pulisic: My Journey So Far” on Amazon

The critics are chirpin’

I first learned about it via the tweet below. Skimming through some of the replies, I was surprised to find how many folks were quick to chirp in with various critiques on the announcement.

I can’t say I agree with the haters. So I’ve gone through and picked out the 3 most common themes of complaints. For each, I’ve added a rebuttal and my personal take on it.

Complaint 1: He’s too young / early in his career to write a book.

Until his career is longer and he’s done something worthwhile, why would you want to read a book about him?


Perhaps he should have written it after he did something in the W Cup?


Rebuttal: First off – this is literally acknowledged in the title of the book: “My Journey So Far.” And as the description on Amazon states: “America’s first true European soccer champion and the captain of the U.S. men’s national team relates his journey from Hershey, Pennsylvania, to the pinnacle of world soccer.”

Yes, he is still early in his career, and this book is intended to focus on this first leg of his journey onto the world stage. Especially while he’s still young and relatable to youth players.

But either way, Pulisic’s accomplished more than almost any other player in a full career, let alone a US player! What he’s already achieved as an American is legendary:

  • 1st American to play – and win – a Champions League final
  • Most expensive North American player ever (via his $73m transfer to Chelsea)
  • Youngest Chelsea player to score a hat trick
  • Youngest captain of USMNT
  • Winner of CONCACAF Gold Cup and Nations League
  • Fastest USMNT player to 10 goals + 10 assists

To claim he hasn’t achieved enough yet to warrant a book is preposterous. Granted he is still young and in the midst of his career. But age aside, should his career come to an end today, his existing accolades already make it clear why is known colloquially as the Lebron James of soccer.

Complaint 2: He’s probably not even writing it himself.

The ghost-written tale of a 23-year-old.


Rebuttal: I mean.. ok 🤷‍♂️ That’s just how most of these celeb autobiographies go. You trying to tell me DJ Khaled solo-wrote his own memoir? 😂

It’s freaking hard to write a book, even for professional writers! So people team up with pro authors to help them deliver a polished, entertaining, well-structured product that fans can enjoy. This is no secret – and Pulisic’s book even has additional authors and collaborators credited on it. It will still be Pulisic’s true words, stories, and emotions creating the foundation for it.

Complain 3: He should be focused on soccer, not press / media / side hustles

goddamn. Hope he doesn’t become like rashford: a pr merchant first and footballer second.


Rebuttal: The days of an athlete, let alone a worldwide star, being “just an athlete” are long gone. In today’s world of social media driven hyper-connectivity and brand endorsement deals, athletes are quite literally thrust into the spotlight as walking billboards, activists, and brands. Whether or not they like it.

And yes, they can get paid well for it. But just a quick as the money flows in, it flows out even faster. Athletes spend their lives grinding to breakthrough. But one unfortunate injury, one off season, one poorly timed move, and the sponsors grab their moneybags and go, in search of the next star-in-the-making.

Personally, I’m all for athletes taking command of their profession and milking it for every cent while the gettin’s good. Because you truly never know when it’s going to come to an end. As long as two key principles are being followed:

  • Conduct responsible & ethical business: Obvs they shouldn’t committing any blatant fraud or intentionally putting their fans in harms way.
  • Don’t lose focus: In most cases, especially when an athlete is young and in or nearing their prime, they are still an athlete first. Their objectives as an athlete need to stay front and center. They can’t be slacking in their training or games, because as soon as they start to slip on the pitch, court, or what-have-you, so too does their brand value. And then they’re left with neither. That being said, as an athlete ages this balance will start to shift. At a certain point it actually does make sense for athletes eyeing retirement to start prioritizing their second career.

So yes, Pulisic should stay focused on soccer. But he should also be making time for the betterment of himself and his family financially. He’s in a very unique position right now, and has a slim window of time to capitalize on it.

Every superstar ultimately walks this line of performing on the field so they can cash in on off the field. The more you do off the field, the more attention & opportunities you draw in, and the greater the potential reward. But the greater the potential risk too. Inevitably it’s up to the individual to draw their own line and then either live up to, or crumble under the weight of it. So far, Christian has shown us he is someone that performs some of his best magic on the field when the pressure is the greatest.

Closing arguments

So with all of the above in mind, I say good on Pulisic! He is truly grabbing the moment. He’s still signed to a hefty contract with Chelsea, he’s widely considered the #1 on USMNT, heading into a well earned World Cup, off a Gold Cup & Nations League championship. He is currently at his peak. And on top of that, US soccer fandom will be nearing a fever pitch in the pending build up to the World Cup. It’s time to cash in, and Christian and his team have made a brilliant strategic business move in timing the October release for this one. Bravo 👏 👏

And who knows, there might be another giant peak ahead for him. Maybe he’ll have an epic World Cup and go onto win more Champions League trophies. But just as likely, maybe things go sideways with Chelsea and he doesn’t find a solid fit in a new club. Maybe another USMNT star dominates in the World Cup and becomes the #1 leaving Christian in the shadows. Maybe (knock on wood) he gets injured and misses out all together. Nothing is guaranteed. But what is certain for now – this is Pulisic’s moment, and he is grabbing it. To that I say: Get that money!